====== Extensions ====== You can customize your Chrome features and functionality by adding extensions. There are a number of extensions that PA Virtual 'push down' when you sign into Chrome. (See [[kb:chrome:signin|]] for details). You can find additional extensions that you can choose to install on the [[https://chrome.google.com/webstore|Chrome Web Store]]. {{ :kb:chrome:chrome_webstore.png?400 |}} When you first enter the store you will be on the "**For pavcs.us**" page (see image above). All approved extensions have been added to this "**For pavcs.us**" section. Students and Learning Coaches can install any of the extensions found here. * Click on any of the 'cards' will provide additional information about the extension. * From the extension page, you can click the "Add To Chrome" button to install the extension. Students and Learning Coaches can only install extensions in the "**For pavcs.us**" section. **All other extensions are blocked for Students and Learning Coaches**. While teachers can explore and use other extensions, they will need to use the standard Software Approval procedures if they wish to allow their students to also use the extension.