Module - My Classes

The “My Classes” module lists all courses you are enrolled into in Blackboard. By default, it will show you the class name, and any current announcements. You can customize the module to show additional details.

Class Not Listed

If you do not see your classes listed under “My Classes” this is most likely due to either the course is not yet available, or you have not been enrolled in the course.

At the beginning of a school year, or the beginning of a new semester, teachers will have their Blackboard Learn courses listed as “unavailable”. This allows them to set up the necessary content within the course before students and parents enter the course for the first time. If you are looking for your course before the start of school, or before the start of a new semester, it is likely that the teacher still has the course unavailable. Once the teacher is ready, he/she will make the course available and you will see it listed under “My Classes”.

If you do not see a course listed under “My Classes” that you expect to see, it is likely that you have not been enrolled into that specific Blackboard Learn course. We ask that you contact your FSC or your school's principal to let them know of the problem.

Customize View

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

  1. Hover over the title area of the “My Classes” module, and you will see a gear show up on the right hand side (see figure 1)
  2. Click on the gear, and you will be sent to the options page. (see figure 2)

Customize Options

This page will allow you to turn on/off (check/uncheck) different options to customize your view of the “My Classes” module.

  • Group By Term: Group the list of courses by term (semester). This is mainly beneficial for our High School students.
    • If you choose to group by term, you can then choose to show term, or expand term for each term presented.

In the “Edit Class List” section you have the option to show/hide:

  • Class Name
  • Class ID
  • Teachers
  • Announcements
  • Tasks